We have just come to the end of a 2-year strategic plan that saw us ride the wave of covid, review existing programmes to assess the extent to which they remain fit for purpose, and test out new programmes, activities and partnerships.
Following a period of consultation with various stakeholders, we are now about to embark on a new ambitious 3-year plan that will see us have an even greater impact on even more young people. We will continue to engage young people who are affected by inequality of opportunity or some form of disadvantage from the same three communities, namely young people from inner-London, young people with special educational needs and disabilities and local young people and their families. Whilst there will be a rise in numbers, the crux of the strategy entails enhancing the quality of everything we do.
Supported by a comprehensive business plan, please feel free to read our new 2023-2025 strategy.
Partnerships will remain at the core of our strategy, as that is seen as integral to ensuring we work with young people that will benefit most from what we offer, and that the quality of our programmes is high and that they deliver optimum impact.
Our supporter base is hugely loyal and we very much hope you are able to continue to support us as we seek to do more not less for young people at a time when the need has arguably never been greater. We are delighted to say that a number of our supporters have committed their support to the full 3 year strategy period. We do of course welcome more supporters and we would be delighted to discuss ways in which either individuals or organisations may be able to support our cause.