19th October 2021

ACCF Charity Bridge Day

Join us for an exclusive day of bridge tuition with Andrew Robson at Arundel Castle Cricket Ground.  Andrew Robson OBE is England’s best known bridge player and will guide you through some instructive topics designed to reach out to all ability of players.

Tuesday 19th October 2021
10am – 3.30pm

Tickets are £180 per table of four (£45 per person) to include coffee on arrival, two course lunch and a glass of wine.  Sign up early as spaces are limited to 30 tables and places are selling out fast.

All proceeds will go to the Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation to help us reach and inspire more young people through the magic of Arundel.

Venue: Arundel Castle Cricket Ground, Arundel Park, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9LH

To sign up and book a table, please email foundation@arundelcastlecricket.co.uk

Booking forms will be sent out following sign up.


The event will be run in accordance with the latest Government guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable day.  We are optimistic that the event will go ahead as planned on 19th October 2021. If we should need to postpone the event due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will offer the option of an alternative date in Spring 2022 or a refund (alternative date to be announced nearer the time).




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