A Review of 2022

With a spring and summer of no covid restrictions, we have been able to deliver a full and wide-ranging programme. We provided over 1250 young people impacted by inequality of opportunity or disadvantage with magical experiences involving cricket and other educational and wellbeing-based activities.

Working with a broad range of delivery partners, we have welcomed several hundred youngsters from inner London, a similar number of young people with special educational needs and disabilities and again a similar number of young people from local communities. All have left with new and enhanced skills or new or renewed confidence.

Please watch this 4 minute video of highlights of this year’s programmes which you can find below.

All of this is made possible by the generosity of our loyal supporters for which we are extremely grateful. In light of the current economic climate, the fundraising challenge does not get easier and if we what we do is something you would like to support, please do get in touch foundation@arundelcastlecricket.co.uk

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Help us enhance and inspire the lives of disadvantaged young people.